<p>If there was anyother way around it, I would of chose it. I wouldn't need to know exactly what the repercussions would be, I would choose it regardless.</p> <p>But I guess I can't do that anymore can I? I guess I have to live in the present. I just have to keep moving on.</p> <p>Who am I, you ask? Well, that is up to you.</p> <p>Are you ready to [[Begin->Well Hello There]]?</p> <p>"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllloo people!" Josh started his video with just like he did everytime. "My name is Rage, and welcome back to another episode of Rebirth: Lost Last Day! But this time, I am not alone in my endevors!"</p> <p>As the two planned, Aaron suddenly spoke. "Hey! I'm here to watch this loser fail."</p> <p>Josh whipped his head around to look at Aaron. Just as he was about to say something another voice interupted, "Well that's not nice to say." Both Rage and Hollow looked at the doorway, which had suddenly been open, to see Will standing in the doorway. "Come on Aaron, be nice to Josh."</p> <p>"Since when were you nice to Josh?" Aaron asked Will.</p> <p>Will propelled himself off the doorway and walked into veiw of the camera. "Ever since I decided to spice," He said spice in his special emphasised way, "it up a little bit."</p> <p>"That's good and all, but you are aware I'm going to have to redo the entire video so far, right?" Josh said to them both in a not too bothered way.</p> <p>"Pfft, nah. Keep it in." Will said.</p> <p>"They couldn't hear anything you said since you weren't near the mic. It won't make any sense to them."</p> <p>"They are watching you, do you think they expect it to make sense?"</p> [[Keep the current intro->Now Leaving: Earth]] [[Redo the intro with Will->More Interruptions]] (set: $MoreInterruptions to 1) <p>Josh laughed and then said "Yeah, I guess but I feel as though that is not what people want to see in an intro. Let's try do it again."</p> <p>"As long as I'm in it everyone will be happy with it." Will said joyfully.</p> <p>"Alright, ready Aaron?"</p> <p>"Count it down."</p> <p>"3... 2... 1," and Josh clicked the record button. "Heeeeeeeeeeellloo people! My name is Rage and welcome one and all to Rebirth: Lost Last Day. It's that time of the week again where I get to relentlessly die repeatedly for your entertainment! But this time, I am not the only one partaking in the pain."</p> <p>"Hey!" Aaron said.</p> <p>At the same time as Aaron, Will exclaimed "Hello everybody!"</p> <p>"I'm Hollow."</p> <p>"And you all know who I am!" </p> <p>"Oh you are just full of yourself today, Fluke, aren't you?" Josh said looking at Fluke to the left of him.</p> <p>"Better than being empty of myself."</p> <p>"On that note, let's begin shall we?" Just before Josh clicked on the Lost, a female voice filled the room.</p> <p>"Hey Josh, Evanz made it finally!" Looking away from the screen, Josh, Aaron, and Will saw Danni, Josh's girlfriend, and Evanz, with his long black hair and blue sweatshirt, standing in the doorway.</p> <p>"Evanz!" Will shouted as he half walked have ran over to hug him.</p> <p>"Wow, hey, nice to see you, too, but I'm not sure-" just then he stopped as Will jabbed him in the side. No one seemed to take any worry to it.</p> <p>"Hey Evanz, how's it been?" Josh chimed in, now standing.</p> <p>"Not to bad, that flight was hell though."</p> <p>Quietly, Hollow said, "This recording is never going to get done, is it?' Then he stood up and said hello to Evanz.</p> <p>"What are we doing here?"</p> <p>"Well, I was recording Rebirth for tomorrow with Hollow, and then Will joined in, and now you and Danni are in here, all we need is Gubby and Peace and we have a wiikend going on here."</p> <p>"I can leave if you wish."</p> <p>"Nah come on, I'll just cut you in. I am not doing the intro again." Josh sat down and Evanz stood behind him, off to the side a little bit. "And we are back after a short jump cut, I bet you will never see any difference here."</p> <p>"I think he just called be invisible." Evanz said just barely loud enough for the mic to pick up. </p> <p>Will noticed that Danni had not yet left the room and instead was trying to correct Alisha's, Danni's and Josh's pet bearded dragon, position on her sholder. She seemed to get it, so he didn't bother it.</p> <p>"Anyways, let's get started shall we?" He pressed enter and on the screen where it normally had some sort of writing in gray, had writing in red all across the screen that read "<span style="color: #ff0000">Come and Play for Yourself</span>" Everyone looked at eachother and then suddenly a bright light overtook the room.</p> [[What is Going On?->Hello Mother]]<p> "OK, I guess you are right. Alright then guys, I guess we are going to be going with the flow this - strange - episode! Let's get into it then! Onto the Lost!" Everyone else yelled "Hazah!" Just then on screen on the screen where it normally had some sort of writing in gray, had writing in red all across the screen that read "<span style="color: #ff0000">Come and Play for Yourself</span>" Everyone looked at eachother and then suddenly a bright light overtook the room.</p> <p> Josh was the first to open his eyes. Looking up he saw nothing but black. Looking down a bit Josh caught the color brown, but then his eyes closed again and he slipped back off. </p> <p> Will heard the sweet voice of a mother as he stayed blissful in his daze.</p> <p> Aaron opened his eyes second, but he was sideways. He instantly saw everything and recognized everything. Upon his recognition of it all there was the scream of Mother "<span style="color: #B10000">AARON!!</span>" Unknowing why, Aaron snapped to a standing position. Mother's voice echoed around the seemingly ceilingless room. "<span style="color: #B10000">WILL!!</span>" Instantly, Will escaped his daze and was standing." "<span style="color: #B10000">JOSH!!</span>" Without a moment hesitation, Josh was awake and ready to go." "<span style="color: #B10000">How terrible it is that you would leave my baby so sad! Marching him to his doom like it is some kind of game! EVEN HIS POOR SOUL IS TORTURED! It is only fair that you get to do the same! If you make it to the end, I will let you go. If not, BYE BYE!</span>" </p> <p> It was silent for awhile as everyone let what had just happened sink in. When Josh was positive that Mother was gone, he quietly said, "Are you in the game?" Aaron could do nothing but nod. "<span style="color: #B10000">Better hurry if you wish to make the boss rush!</span>" [[Step back and try to grasp the situation->What the Hell??]] [[Go into the first room ->What Have We Gotten Into?]] (set: $AaronRedHeart to 0)(set: $AaronBlueHeart to 3)(set: $JoshRedHeart to 3)(set: $JoshBlueHeart to 0)(set: $WillRedHeart to 4)(set: $WillBlueHeart to 0)(set: $coins = 0)(set: $bombs = 0)(set: $keys = 0) <p>There was silence for a while as everyone looked around. Josh spoke first. "Ok, so let's get this straight. We are inside The Binding of Isaac, and Mother wants us to get to the end to escape. So the question is, how far is it until the end?" </p> <p>"Well," Aaron spoke, "we are playing your game when we joined, so I am assuming that we have to get to Blue Baby." </p> <p>"Let's hope we get an OP run then." Will added. </p> <p>"Now, how to we shoot, access the map, view how many items we have and the works?" </p> <p>Just a little after Aaron said that, a light blue sphere half the size of Josh's head came from Will, just barely missing Josh's head. "Figured how to shoot... has anyone tried to blink yet?" Turning away from everyone else, Aaron blinked and a tear shot towards the wall. Before you knew it all three of them were shooting tears around. They realized that they couldn't harm eachother, and thus began shooting eachother and having a bit of fun. </p> <p> "<span style="color: #B10000"> Boss rush.</span>" Mother said. The sudden voice stopped the three from shooting eachother. </p> <p> "Oh! Mother!" Will shouted. "Can we at least know to to use everything? Like bombs and the like?" Aaron and Josh looked at Will with shock at the fact that he was willing to talk directly to someone who would kill their own child.</p> <p>"<span style="color: #B10000">Isaac has informed me that he too has that ability so I suppose I should allow you three should have it. Here,</span>" Something small fell from the blackness above. It wasn't much bigger than half the size of any of the three of them. The being had a head, but no arms or legs. It float so its head was the same level as the three of them. The only thing on its head was a whiteblindfold with hints of blood leaking from behind it. It did, however, have a mouth. That was all the distiguishing features that it contained. "<span style="color: #B10000">It's name is InfoBaby. By referring to him, he will tell you any stats. For example, InfoBaby; bombs.</span>"</p> <p>Info Baby replied with "You currently have $bombs bombs. Last bombed used by: No one." Will clapped at the Baby. "Thank you."</p> <p>"So how do we use bombs?" Aaron asked.</p> <p>"<span style="color: #B10000">Simply say 'Summon bomb.' That's all I am going to give you, so be gone.</span>"</p> <p>"Awesome!" Will exclaims. "Summon bomb!"</p> <p>Under his breath, Aaron says, "Does he realize we have none?"</p> <p>At the same time Josh happily said, "Well that lacked an //explosive// ending!"</p> <p>"Maggie, do you realize we have none." InfoBaby said, looking, as much as he can look, at Will.</p> <p>"Wait, Maggie?" Aaron asked in shock. <p>"Alright! I'm Magdaline!" Will said excited.</p> <p>"Who are we?"</p> <p>InfoBaby, in his robotic voice, informed Josh, "You are Samson, and he," He turned toward Aaron "is Blue Baby."</p> <p>Quietly, Aaron said, "I'm not sure how I feel about that."</p> <p>Josh playfully punched Aaron and said, "Well I'm happy with mine! Not as good as Judis, but you know, not a bad character."</p> <p>"Yeah, especially with all the stupid damage you like to take." Josh couldn't say anything back, Aaron was right on that one.</p> <p>"Well hey. Now we can take on a room. Let's go!" Will exclaimed and walked to the upper most door.</p> <p>"Wait." Aaron said just as Josh was about to follow. "InfoBaby; How much health to we have?"</p> <p>"Aaron currrently has $AaronRedHeart red hearts and $AaronBlueHeart blue hearts. Josh has $JoshRedHeart red hearts. Will has $WillRedHeart red hearts. Everyone is at full health. No one is at critical health." InfoBaby replied.</p> <p>"Anything else we should know?"</p> <p>"This," InfoBaby paused for a moment. That action scared Aaron, not that he would admit it, "is an XL floor."</p> <p>A gigantic smile errupted from Josh's face. "Yes!" He shouted. "Double the items! A devil deal!"</p> <p>"Yeah," Aaron said, unamused, "and double the enemies we have to defeat." Josh gave Aaron a unhappy look. "Have you forgotten that this isn't exactly like playing the game? We are //in// it!</p> <p>"Guys," Will interjected, "Let's just get on out of here as fast as possible. Remember what Mom kept saying? 'Boss Rush.' I feel as though we should at least try to get it.</p> <p>"Fine, which way?" Aaron asked.</p> [[Left->This Was a Bad Idea]] [[Right->Maybe We Can Handle This]]Double-click this passage to edit it.<p> Josh was the first to open his eyes. Looking up he saw nothing but black. Looking down a bit Josh caught the color brown, but then his eyes closed again and he slipped back off. </p> <p> Will heard the sweet voice of a mother as he stayed blissful in his daze.</p> <p> Evanz lay there, tormented by the thought of... the animal.</p> <p> Danni lie next to Josh, almost cuddling up with him. Her eyes almost opened, but if they did quickly closed.</p> <p> Aaron opened his eyes last, but he was sideways. He instantly saw everything and recognized everything. Upon his recognition of it all there was the scream of Mother "<span style="color: #B10000">AARON!!</span>" Unknowing why, Aaron snapped to a standing position. Mother's voice echoed around the seemingly ceilingless room. "<span style="color: #B10000">WILL!!</span>" Instantly, Will escaped his daze and was standing." "<span style="color: #B10000">JOSH!!</span>" Without a moment hesitation, Josh was awake and ready to go. Evanz was next and was slightly relieve that they animal was gone (for now). Finally was Danni, and when she rised, she instantly held Josh's hand and squeezed hard in fear. She recognized the game. All of them did. "<span style="color: #B10000">How terrible it is that you would leave my baby so sad! Marching him to his doom like it is some kind of game! EVEN HIS POOR SOUL IS TORTURED! It is only fair that you get to do the same! If you make it to the end, I will let you go. If not, BYE BYE!</span>" </p> <p> It was silent for awhile as everyone let what had just happened sink in. When Evanz was positive that Mother was gone, he quietly said, "Are you in the game?" Aaron could do nothing but nod. Josh hugged Danni, trying to show her in anyway that she was safe, even if it was false. "<span style="color: #B10000">Better hurry if you wish to make the boss rush!</span>" [[Figure out exactly what is happening->We Got a Plan]] [[Go into the first room->I've Got This]] (set: $AaronRedHeart to 0)(set: $AaronBlueHeart to 3)(set: $JoshRedHeart to 3)(set: $JoshBlueHeart to 0)(set: $WillRedHeart to 4)(set: $WillBlueHeart to 0)(set: $EvanzRedHeart to 3)(set: $EvanzBlueHeart to 0)(set: $DaniRedHeart to 1)(set: $DaniBlueHeart to 2)Double-click this passage to edit it.(set: $coins = 0)(set: $bombs = 0)(set: $keys = 1) <p>There was silence for a while as everyone looked around. Evanz spoke first. "Ok, so let's get this straight. We are inside The Binding of Isaac, and Mother wants us to get to the end to escape. So the question is, how far is it until the end?" </p> <p>"Well," Aaron spoke, "we are playing Josh's game when we joined, so I am assuming that we have to get to Blue Baby." </p> <p>"Let's hope we get an OP run then." Will added. </p> <p>"Now, how do we shoot, access the map, view how many items we have and the works?" </p> <p>Just a little after Aaron said that, a light blue sphere half the size of his's head came from Will, just barely missing Dani's head becuase Josh moved her out of the way. "What the fuck Will!" "Figured how to shoot... blinking," Turning away from everyone else, Aaron blinked and a tear shot towards the wall. Dani shot Josh, but it seemed they could do no damage to each other. Eventually it was an all out war.</p> <p>"<span style="color: #B10000"> Boss rush.</span>" Mother said. The sudden voice stopped the three from shooting eachother. </p> <p> "Oh! Mother!" Will shouted. "Can we at least know to to use everything? Like bombs and the like?" Everyone looked at Will with shock at the fact that he was willing to talk directly to someone who would kill their own child.</p> <p>"<span style="color: #B10000">Isaac has informed me that he too has that ability so I suppose I should allow you three should have it. Here,</span>" Something small fell from the blackness above. It wasn't much bigger than half the size of any on of their heads. The being had a head, but no arms or legs. It floated so its head was the same level as the three of them. The only thing on its head was a white blindfold with hints of blood leaking from behind it. It did, however, have a mouth. That was all the distiguishing features that it contained. "<span style="color: #B10000">It's name is InfoBaby. By referring to him, he will tell you any stats. For example, InfoBaby; bombs.</span>"</p> <p>Info Baby replied with "You currently have $bombs bombs. Last bombed used by: (set: $lastBomb to "No one")$lastBomb." Will clapped at the Baby. "Thank you."</p> <p>"So how do we use bombs?" Aaron asked.</p> <p>"<span style="color: #B10000">Simply say 'Summon bomb.' That's all I am going to give you, so be gone.</span>"</p> <p>"Awesome!" Will exclaims. "Summon bomb!"</p> <p>Under his breath, Aaron says, "Does he realize we have none?"</p> <p>At the same time Josh happily said, "Well that lacked an //explosive// ending!" Dani just looked at Josh with a look that said "This is not the time."</p> <p>"Maggie, do you realize we have none." InfoBaby said, looking, as much as he can look, at Will.</p> <p>"Wait, Maggie?" Evanz asked in shock. <p>"Alright! I'm Magdaline!" Will said excited.</p> <p>"Who are we?"</p> <p>InfoBaby, in his robotic voice, informed Evanz, "You are Isaac, and he," He turned toward Aaron "is Blue Baby." Turning to Josh and Dani, "He is Samson and she is Eden."</p> <p>Surprised, Josh said, "Eden?"</p> <p>"Wow, InfoBaby, what items does she have?"</p> <p>"As of leaving this room, Eden will have the Blank Card, and Technology 2."</p> <p>"Not bad." Was all Josh could say.</p> <p>"Well hey. Now we can take on a room. Let's go!" Will exclaimed and walked to the upper most door.</p> <p>"Wait." Aaron said just as Josh was about to follow. "InfoBaby; How much health to we have?"</p> <p>"Aaron currrently has $AaronRedHeart red hearts and $AaronBlueHeart soul hearts. Josh has $JoshRedHeart red hearts. Will has $WillRedHeart red hearts. Evanz has $EvanzRedHeart red hearts. Dani has $DaniRedHeart red hearts and $DaniBlueHearts soul hearts. Everyone is at full health. No one is at critical health." InfoBaby replied.</p> <p>"Anything else we should know?"</p> <p>"This," InfoBaby paused for a moment. That action scared Aaron, not that he would admit it, "is an XL floor."</p> <p>A gigantic smile errupted from Josh's face. "Yes!" He shouted. "Double the items! A devil deal!"</p> <p>"Yeah," Aaron said, unamused, "and double the enemies we have to defeat." Josh gave Aaron a unhappy look. "Have you forgotten that this isn't exactly like playing the game? We are //in// it!</p> <p>"Guys," Dani interjected, "Let's just get on out of here as fast as possible. Remember what Mom kept saying? 'Boss Rush.' I feel as though we should at least try to get it."</p> <p>"Fine, which way?" Aaron asked.</p> [[Left->5 Heads is Better Than 1]] [[Right->Peice of Cake!]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.